Best Traffic Sources For Affiliate Marketing In 2022
Driving traffic to your affiliate links is probably one of the most challenging parts of being an Affiliate Marketer. It is an endless hassle, as new customers need to be brought in daily, and you must always find a new audience. But do not despair! This piece will cover some of the most at-hand affiliate marketing traffic sources.
This massive increase in popularity means that the affiliate marketing industry has a lot of newcomers that just joined everything and probably don’t know the best ways of doing business. Most of them probably don’t even know about basic things like traffic sources.
For such people, we researched and compiled a list of the best traffic sources that all affiliates should focus on in 2022!
What Are Traffic Sources?
Traffic sources are one of the best and most efficient ways of reaching customers. They include all the channels you use to get in touch with potential buyers, and most importantly, they give you an idea about how much traffic you can access in a specific time frame.
There are three traffic sources: organic, paid, and social.
Organic traffic is the type you get from search engine results, while paid traffic is the type you get from advertising. Social traffic is the least controllable, and it’s usually generated by direct referrals rather than search engines or online ads.
Why Are Traffic Sources So Important?

Traffic sources are a bit like a lifeline, and they will determine whether your affiliate marketing plan will work. You can have the best idea in the world, create a great website, and send out some emails – but if you don’t have people visiting it, there’s no point.
Traffic sources also matter because they give you information on who is visiting your site and what they are interested in. This data is essential for understanding how well your marketing campaigns are working and can help you improve your future traffic.
A lot of marketers don’t even realize how essential traffic sources are. Many focus on making their sites as good as possible and forget everything else. But with so many competing marketers that know about this nowadays, this approach hardly makes any sense!
There are different types of traffic sources, and each one comes with its own set of pros and cons. However, as a marketer, you must know about them to decide which ones will work best for your business.
In this article, we’ll be discussing the three most popular types of traffic sources for affiliate marketers: Paid, Organic, and Social.
Paid Traffic Sources

The first type of traffic is paid traffic. Paid traffic is exactly what it sounds like – you pay to get access to a specific group of people. In most cases, you will be paying for access to a list of email addresses or a set of people who have already expressed an interest in what you’re selling.
Paid traffic is a great way to get started because it’s one of the easiest ways to generate leads. You can either buy lists or use advertising platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or Twitter Ads to get in touch with people who are already interested in what you’re selling.
The downside of paid traffic is that it can be very expensive, and it’s not always guaranteed to work. It would be best if you also were careful about where you get your traffic from, as some sources can be scams or lead to low-quality leads.
Advantages of Paid Traffic
- Easy audience targeting
- Control over every aspect of the process
- Tracking is simple
- Simple to get valuable data
Disadvantages of Paid Traffic
- It can be hard to compete against some keywords
- It can be costly
- Needs knowledge and experience to run correctly, efficiently, and profitably
Despite these disadvantages, paid traffic is still one of affiliate marketers’ most popular methods of generating traffic. If you want to increase your sales quickly, then paid traffic is the way to go!
Organic Traffic Sources

Organic traffic is the type of traffic that you get from search engine results. This type of traffic is considered the best because it’s free and usually has a higher conversion rate than paid traffic.
But even though it is considered the best, it is the most challenging source to get leads from. Usually, it takes months, if not years, of dedication to get everything adequately optimized and ranked, gain a following that interacts with your content, and so on before you can achieve any results.
Advantages of Organic Traffic
- Organic leads are often much better than their paid traffic counterparts. You can expect much higher conversion rates, spending, and interactions than usual.
- Great for brands with long-term goals and objectives
Disadvantages of Organic Traffic
- It takes a lot of time and effort to get it working properly
- It can be challenging to compete with big brands that have more money and resources
Gaining organic traffic is difficult, but it’s well worth the effort. If you can reach the top of the search engine results, you’ll enjoy a continuous stream of free traffic that can be very lucrative.
Social Traffic Sources

The last type of traffic is social traffic. Social traffic comes from various social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Advantages of Social Traffic
- Low cost if done right
- Able to reach vast audiences
- Access to detailed data
Disadvantages of Social Traffic
- Every social network is different
- It can be hard to get working
- Hard to get leads
Social media traffic is a great way to get traffic for your website. It’s affordable, easy to use, and reaches many people. However, it’s not as effective as other methods like paid traffic. You’ll need many followers interested in your selling to see any actual results.
Other Traffic Sources That Are Important To Mention
Mobile Traffic
Mobile traffic is a massive topic in the world of internet marketing. Mobile traffic has surpassed desktops in the last few years. To succeed with mobile traffic, you must have well-optimized websites that load fast on phones and are optimized for screen sizes and dimensions.
Email Traffic
Email traffic is getting people to sign up to your mailing list and then sending them marketing content via email. This type of traffic is very effective because it allows you to build a relationship with your leads over time. Affiliates have used email marketing for decades, and with proper usage and knowledge, it can be one of the best ways to gain traffic.
Push Notifications

Push notifications are a newer form of getting traffic to websites. They work by sending a notification to someone’s phone or computer whenever you release new content. This type of traffic is very effective but can be expensive if not used correctly.
Search Traffic
Search traffic is the most popular form of traffic for affiliate marketers. They can rank well on Google, Bing, and other search engines if they have great content that people want to see. This type of traffic is especially effective for eCommerce websites.
Traffic is the lifeblood of any affiliate. Without it, your website will die. Free and paid traffic have different roles in generating traffic for Affiliate Marketing campaigns. You can use a combination of these two forms, but depending on your available resources, you should balance the choice of which type corresponds to each of the above forms. Maybe, email marketing works for others, but there’s no guarantee it will work best with your affiliate marketing campaign.
We hope you get a lot of value out of this article.